At Carson & Carson, DDS, we employ cutting-edge dental technology in order to provide the best possible care to our patients. The advancement of these technologies allows us to ensure a more efficient, more effective, and more comfortable experience for our patients.
Computer assisted design (CAD) or computer assisted manufacture (CAM) technology allows dentists to use computing power to create efficient, well-fit tooth restorations in just a single visit. CAD/CAM improves the design & manufacturing process to make it more efficient and much quicker. This is the technology we use to be able to provide same-day dental crowns, but it can also be utilized other work such as: veneers, bridges, onlays, and inlays.
CAT & MRI Scans
Information about a patient’s dental health is one of the most valuable tools in preventative dentistry. Our office is fitted with high-end dental MRI machines, allowing us to get much better information about a patient’s status than normal x-rays would. This technology is also extremely helpful in the detection of cancers, cysts, and other underlying dental issues that may not be as apparent on a typical x-ray image.
Liquid Cavity Detection
Without the need for x-rays or MRI’s, dentists can now use a liquid cavity detection solution which changes into a specific color if it detects decay from a cavity in just seconds. This technology is extremely useful in helping a dentist detect if any decayed parts of the tooth still remain.
For the early detection of cavities, a Diagnodent system uses sound waves and lasers to find caries much earlier than traditional methods can. This can result in much earlier treatment of a cavity and a huge reduction in the severity that the tooth decay can cause. Overall, earlier detection can saves many teeth from destruction and help many patients preserve their natural smile without the need for implants or crowns.
Dental Technology FAQs
How has dental technology changed during the pandemic?
With many dental offices being forced to close during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, dentists widely adopted teledentistry technologies in order to deliver basic examinations and dental consultations remotely. Teledentistry helps to minimize the patient exposure to other people, mitigate travel-related stress of having to go into the office itself, and provide patients with a quick examination to determine whether they need to be seen in person for treatment.
How is Virtual Reality (VR) Technology Being Used in Dentistry?
The usage of virtual reality headsets in dentistry has gotten much more common in the last few years. Some dentists offer VR headsets to patients during treatment to both entertain and distract from potential discomforts of the treatment. VR is also being used in dental training to allow students to see & experience the procedures digitally.